On Edge, by Marthe Keller, Editor, and Gail Gregg, Co-Editor.The Normal Sublime (Chart), by Reverend Luke Murphy
Essays and Articles
Createdness and Wilderness, Chris Benincasa
Inner Space, by Sharon Brant
Letter to the Artist, by Phong Bui
Objects in Situ, by Niki Cesare
Looking for the Edge, by John Goodyear
Abstract: A Saving Force?, by James Gross
Drawing Back from the Edge, by John Haber
Abstraction as Activism, Julian Jackson
The Echo: Notes on Abstraction in the Age of Anxiety, by Ron Janowich
Edging On, by Cecily Kahn
Abstract Relations: Marking the Edges, by Richard Kalina
Anti-working Notes, by Marthe KellerOn Edge vs. On the Edge, by Gwenael Kerlidou
Conundrums by Kathy Lee, by Bodo Korsig
The Real Worry, by Rob List
Rhode Island, 2003, by Jane Logemann
Origins, by Vincent Longo
Walking the Edge, by Stuart Mackenzie
Rawsmoothrounded…, by Russell Maltz
The Miracles of Risk-taking, by Kantinka Mann
Aesthetics, Anxiety and Awe, by Chris Martin
Faith, Doubt and Abstraction, Katy Martin
no matter what, by Judith Murray
Geometric Abstraction: The Process of Signifying, by Robert C. Morgan
Use and Mis-use of the Edge, Maria Morganti
The Blunted Edge of Culture: Instructions for the Knife Sharpener, by Saul Ostrow
I Am Over the Edge, by Paolo Patelli
Real Abstraction: No Metaphors No Apologies, by Corey Postiglione
The Empire of Art, by Lucio Pozzi
Gripping Unreality, by Joan Webster Price
You Get What You See, You See What You Get, by Leo Rabkin
Baroque Minimalism by Corrine Robbins, by Sal Romano
On Edge, by Ce Roser
Dark Edges, by Edwin Ruda
Track Changes: On the Edge of Drawing and Writing, by Suzanne Silver
Inside Out, Destroying Boundaries, by Alex Stolyarov
Talking with Myself, by Peter Stroud
Waiting for Edgy, by Don Voisine
Beyond Narrative, by Joe Walentini
Gummy Abstract, (Illustration, Phillis Ideal), by Kathleen Whitney
Making Choices, by Jeanne Wilkinson
Outside My Window, by Nola Zirin
Studio Conversations
Karin Davie, by Marthe Keller
Ruth Root, by Marthe Keller
Merrill Wagner, by Marthe Keller
Susan Smith, by Marthe Keller
The Raw and the Cooked, Shirley Kaneda and Roland Flexner, by Devon Golden
Dan Walsh: The Endless End of Painting, by Joan Waltemath
Memories of Peter Pinchbeck, by Thornton Willis
Peter Pinchbeck: The Space Between, by Edwin Ruda
Clinton Hill, by Vincent LongoA New Start Begain Quietly, by Clinton Hill
Ward Jackson: Biography, by Ken Johnson
Ward Jackson: A Personal Appreciation, by Julian Jackson
The Screen of the Mind, by Ward Jackson
Ibram Lassaw, by Robert Mattison
Clement Meadmore, by Daniel Thomas
Steven Parrino: Study for a Model of the Universe to be Placed in the Forbidden Zone, by Olivier Mosset
Beatrice Riese: In Appreciation
Esphyr Slobodkina, Personal Tributes by Ruth Eckstein and James Gross