Personal Profile: Beatrice Riese, by Peter Pinchbeck
The Dilemma of Contemporary Abstraction, by Robert C. Morgan
Reality, by Katinka Mann
Matters of Choice, by Peter Stroud
Abstract Dilemmas: A Monologue, by Edwin Ruda
Abstraction — A Midlife Crisis, by Phillis Ideal
On the Interface of Abstraction and Landscape, by Hearne Pardee
Further Desistance / I’m Late, I’m Late, by Marthe Keller
The Symbol and the Search, by Jeanne C. Wilkinson
Volumetric Abstraction, by Peter Pinchbeck
Dilemma, by Mac Wells
Finding Meaning in Form, by Cecily Kahn
Abstract Dilemmas Pop Quiz, by Don Voisine
Merely Painting or Getting the Thing in Itself Wrong Again, by Saul Ostrow
Three Racoons and A Garage Are Not Art, by Richard Timperio
On the Question of Relevance and Meaning in Recent Abstract Painting, by James Little
Leo Rabkin — Statement, by Leo Rabkin
The Depths of Abstraction, by Tom Evans
Engineering Tranquility, by James Juszczyk
Painting as Mediation, by Stephanie Demanuelle
Abstraction Resignified: Some Remarks on the Fate of Abstract Painting, by Corey Postiglione
Abstract Painting Versus New Media, by Joe Walentini
The Margins of Seeing, by Gail Gregg
In Memoriam: Jeanne Miles 1908-1999, by Peter Pinchbeck
Jeanne Miles: A Reminiscence, by James Gross