Journal No. 2 / AAA Journal: Reflections on Mondrian

Journal No. 2

On October 22, 1995 American Abstract Artists presented a symposium at the Museum of Modern Art following the October 1 opening of the Piet Mondrian retrospective. This issue of the American Abstract Artists Journal builds on the symposium member’s presentations. It also included contributions by AAA members, non-member artists, and historians. The journal discusses Mondrian’s historical influence, how current abstract art is being made, and his impact on AAA members and on the practice of abstraction.American Abstract Artists Journal, Number 2, 1997, 90 pages


List of Illustrations and Documents
Introduction, by Power Boothe
Chronology of Piet Mondrian’s Association with the AAA, by Ward Jackson
Mondrian — The Human Side, by James Gross
Parallels and Differences, by Vincent Longo
Thinking about Mondrian, by Clinton Hill
Who is Mondrian?, by Edwin Ruda
Reflections: Piet Mondrian, by Clarence Morgan
Process — Geometry — Spirit, by James Juszczy

Mondrian’s Sacred Geometry, (Notes toward a theory becoming practice.), by Peter Stroud
Arabesques and Right Angles: Pollock and Mondrian, by Peter Pinchbeck
Reflections on the Diamond Format, by Ward Jackson
Mondrian and Xceron: A Long and Close Friendship, by Thalia Vrachopoulos
The Unexpected Quirkiness of Mondrian’s Classic Paintings, by Clement Meadmore
Out of Order: Mondrian’s Struggle for the Real, by Power Boothe
Charmion von Wiegand and Piet Mondrian, Outtakes from a video documentary, by Ce Roser

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